Saturday, December 11, 2010 bed tonight!

Mom went to the dog club party.  She got me a new doggie bed! It's almost as comfy as the couch!  Went to agility fun run last night.  Got over two jumps and into a tunnel without out mom running up to the tunnel. Hee hee I know what I am doing - now if mom would just stop getting so confuddled when we run!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ah....if my person could only learn....

Went to Agility for Fun on Friday.  Found the toy box!! I also borrowed a stuffed toy off someone's kennel.  Mom made me give it back :(  But this nice lady played tug of war with me.  Then she found out I don't give up toys....hee hee....I win! 

So today had class.  I did fine but mom needs to figure out where we are going!  She keeps forgetting to tell me which obstacle is I keep getting confused.  Oh well, she is learning!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Agility smagility

Well, you know, if my mom would quit getting so confused we could do better!  She runs around the course flailing her arms and telling me stuff that doesn't make sense.  Then this other lady tried to get me to run with way...I went back to my mom!  I don't know when I will be able to get my owner trained well enough to run a course - she must have a short attention span.....squirrel!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back to agility!

Mom took me to agility last night. Yea!  I only ran off twice, once the lady in charge grabbed me and I thought I was in big trouble.  But mom rescued me. She love me! 

I got to jump, weave, and do the tunnels.  I like all of them!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beach trip to go to the beach today, one of my favorite places!  Mom let us off the leashes to run.  It was great fun chasing Pele around.  I tried to tackle him and get him to wrestle, but he just isn't the wrestling type I guess.  Had to go back on lead after eating a rotten halibut, rotten salmon spine, and a squashed crab.  Geez, I just don't understand why mom doesn't want us to eat that stuff....uh oh....time to go outside......

Friday, October 22, 2010

Missing mom

Mom has been gone for a few days.  I get lots of attention from my house sitter, but the routine just isn't the same.  Me and Pele will be happy to see mom and get back to the routine!  Maybe she will even sleep on the couch with us!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hidden Lake

Mom took me and Pele to Hidden Lake yesterday.  Wouldn't let us run free..she was mumbling something about bears are not hibernating fun! Lots of smells, sounds, and sticks, though.  This lady kept trying to put the perfectly good chewing sticks on the fire!  I had to rescue a few out of her hand.  Got a small tree or two tangled in my leash, though. And the sounds and smells after dark are magnificent!  Heard an owl and smelled other critters.  Nice way to spend the day!